NNFL Research Paper Assignment

  • There are a list of 67 papers updated on this website
  • You can search for papers, or view them by category, based on the tags assigned to each paper
  • Each paper has an ID and a difficulty level mentioned with it
  • You need to form of groups of 3 people for this assignment
  • One paper can be allotted only to one group

What is to be done

  • Once your group is formed, go through the list of papers and choose your top 5 preferences
  • We will email a preference form for reserch paper selection
  • You will have to fill the names and IDs of your group (only one member needs to do this), and your 5 paper preferences (paper IDs)

Points to keep in mind

  • Harder papers will be graded a bit more leniently, but they will be tougher to implement. So choose carefully
  • Each group will be allotted a TA after the papers are finalised
  • We encourage you to seek guidance/consultation from allotted TA without any hesitation.
  • Alloted TAs will share a list of tasks that are to be completed. Your final submission will be graded on the basis of these tasks (along with other criteria).
  • Since the code for most papers is available online, you are free to use it. But, for evaluation, you will also need to show extra results and graphs, that are not part of the author’s code.
  • Every member of the group should be knowing the entire implementation, answers of this type “I did coding of part A, I do not know about other parts of the program”, “I prepared slides only” would not be acceptable.

Evaluative components

  1. Interaction with TAs (tentative date: 27 March) It will be based upon the questions and doubts you raise, understanding you exhibit and your answers to simple questions posed orally by the TAs.

  2. Code evaluation (tentative date: April 9) the group members will have to make a presentation, and also display their implementation of the papers. The TAs will look into their progress according to the tasks given to the group.

  3. Final evaluation (tentative date: April 18) Mail your presentation and implementation to Surekha Maam and Bijoy Sir for further evaluation. We will be announcing details regarding the presentation closer to the submission date.